Monday, September 14, 2009


Some good 6-7 months back, I watched Slumdog Millionere (SDM). I was little drunk cause came directly from a Party to movie hall but in full consciousness to understand the nitty gritty of a movie, which build a mammoth expectations especially in India. Reason are numerous but for Indians, it a movie made on them with their surroundings as center pivotal of movie. With almost unknown cast in lead but with Anil kapoor and Irfaan Khan in cast and genius A R Rehman at music helm, there is some expectation from my side as well. After slipping comfortably in PVR Premier (Gurgoan) screen number 2 (hmm...or 3), first thing which took my notice is Screen i.e. The aspect ratio of screen looks like 1.85:1 which is quite unusual in itself as mostly screen are in ratio of 2.39:1 in India (I can be incorrect here about precise aspect ratio but its unusual as compare to normal movie screens over which I watched movie so far). Anyhow, movie started and layers started unfolding in front of me; and slowly and slowly my disappointment level increased. Its very hard to write what one expects from a movie which can be different based on your life, experience, social interactions etc etc. But for me, after watching a whole lot of world cinema, Hollywood real good movies and some bolly cream as well, Its need to have something which really can touch at least some part of your heart or mind. For me, SDB doesn't done that. I find it quite mediocre movie which doesn't have a mass or class appeal but none the less created by media.

I felt the same experience when i watched Kaminey yesterday. Though this time I didn't gone to movie hall because of swine flu scare still making rounds in Pune but ordered on Tatasky showcase. I was quite charged to watch after watching its promo and the amount of hype surrounding it. But again. Some disappointment. I don't want to judgmental and pronounce any verdict but again it fail to justify the hype and ho halla surrounding it. To start with, first, bad sound recording. Initial half an hour into movie, I find it hard to understand dialogue which was uttered in Hindi forget about Marathi and Bengali ones which too I can understand as I know both the languages on basic level. Then the shaky camera movements. Looks like Vishal bhardwaj forget to use Trolley to put camera on and use Human holding the camera most of time. Second half though has his moments but i guess overall music is only saving grace along with some performances but supporting cast especially Amol gupte and the one playing Tashi. But what surprised me the herd attitude of media. Once, two or three main league critic said that movie is awesome, nobody have courage to Stand and say no man...its just above avg. No good. NO Quentin Tarantino. At least not worthy of praise it get. People are gaga over Priyaka chopra performance. Come on. I don't know from when the over the top melodrama stands in for good acting. She is far better in Fashion as compare to Kaminey. Same for Shahid. Only well written character. off course he put in effort but again....I seriously don't think he even can match 30% of what Aamir Khan can do in such roles. Way to go boy though off course you are riding the right bicycle.

I don't think my post qualify as review, which even is not my intention, but it smy effort to share my point of view. If somebody disagree, I am more then happy to listen his side of story. If you thought or at least still thinking of watching SDB or Kaminey, my only advice. Go and wash all your expectations. May be you may like them. Happy movie wathing.

* If you really want to watch something meaningfull, My recommendation is to watch "Into the wild" and if you want the blast, you might like to Try "Snatch".

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